The purpose of Our Conscience weblog is to facilitate a greater discussion and understanding of church and state separation in our community and in others. Underlying this is the value that each individual should be allowed to follow the dictates of his or her own conscience without influence, coercion, or direction from the State when it comes to matters of religion.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Our Conscience

In an Oct. 6th Oped in the Joplin Globe Ray Alexander writes the following:

"Why are we letting the judges take God out of our schools? Why can’t our children quote the Pledge of Allegiance in their classrooms?"

Ray's misunderstanding of judicial action relative to the Establishment Clause is common in Southwest Missouri. Even if atheist Michael Newdow won his case before the Supreme Court, children could still say the pledge in public school, the government would simply not be able to force teachers to recite it. What weakens religion in America are people who desire to use the machinery of the government to promote their apparently insecure beliefs.

"It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself." ~Thomas Jefferson


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